Rezonance vous convie à une conférence exceptionnelle du Professeur Paul R. Ehrlich du Center for Conservation Biology, Department of Biology Stanford University.
Conférence en anglais, système de traduction simultanée de l’anglais au français : non anglophones bienvenus !
jeudi 28 avril 2016 à 17h30 @ UNIL, Lausanne Auditoire 350 Amphimax plan d’accès
Libre et gratuit,
English conference – conference en anglais
Paul R. Ehrlich is the Bing Professor of Population Studies and Professor of Biological Sciences at Stanford University, a member of the US National Academy of Sciences and a recipient of the Crafoord Prize (an explicit substitute for the Nobel Prize in fields of science where the latter is not given), the Blue Planet Prize, and numerous other international honours.
He now investigates a wide range of topics in human ecology and evolution, and population biology, has his current effort focused on the mechanisms of human cultural evolution and ways of directing that evolution to ameliorate the present human situation.
Transports publics fortement recommandés, place de parking limitées
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